Guidelines for Authors

Nature’s Symphony welcomes manuscripts that make significant contributions to the fields of Biology and nature. To ensure a smooth and efficient submission process, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Article Types:

Nature’s Symphony accepts Original Research, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Reports, and Communication articles. The word limit for a typical article, including tables, figures, and references, should be 7500-8000 words, except for review articles. Abbreviations should be spelled out upon first use, unless they are well-known.

Details of the authors:

On the title page of the manuscript, authors should include their names, email addresses, phone numbers, ORCID IDs, affiliations, and designations to aid in academic review and production. Every author must provide a valid email address, regardless of their role as the corresponding author. Each author, whether the total is four or five, must also supply their ORCID IDs. The corresponding author should be clearly identified to manage correspondence during the refereeing process, publication, and post-publication stages. Additionally, provide telephone and fax numbers (with country and area codes) along with the email address and full postal address. Manuscripts will only be considered for publication if they have not been previously published or are not under consideration elsewhere.

Sub-Divisions / Sub-Headings:

Organize your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be labeled as 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc.), 1.2, and so on (excluding the abstract from the numbering). Use this numbering system for internal cross-referencing instead of referring to ‘the text.’ Each subsection can have a brief heading, with each heading appearing in a distinct style format.

Preparation of the Manuscript:

Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format using Times New Roman font, size 12, and double spacing throughout. A research manuscript must include the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. A review article must contain Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Content of the Topic, Conclusion, and References.

 Title: The Title of the article should be bold and in Heading case. The title should be concise, avoiding implicit terms and ideally stating the main result or conclusion of the manuscript. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. 

Authors and affiliations: List all author names together, separated by commas, ensuring they are exact and correct for official indexing. Affiliations should be linked to the authors’ names using superscript numbers. The
corresponding author(s) should be indicated with an asterisk in the author list. Provide the exact contact email address of the corresponding author(s).

Abstract: The abstract should be unstructured and should be of approximately 250-300 words that explains the
main points of the paper without. The abstract should primarily convey the general significance and conceptual advancement of the work, making it easily accessible to a broad audience. It should be a single paragraph, structured according to the IMRAD format or the specific guidelines of the article type. Abbreviations should be minimized, and references, figures, or tables should not be cited.

 Keywords: There must be 5 keywords as well. Select keywords that accurately represent the content of your article to aid indexing and discoverability. 

Introduction: The Introduction concise and should not contain any subcategories. It should briefly but

comprehensively describe the background and literature review about the problem being addressed.

Materials and methods: This section should have sub-headings. Describe this section concisely and precisely with proper relevant citations. The given description should enable the reader to repeat the given methods.

 Results: This section must be divided into sub-headings and should have cross-references of the Tables and Figures given in the manuscript.  

Discussion: The discussion should address the main findings of the study, including any relevant prior research to contextualize the novelty of the discovery. It should acknowledge potential limitations in interpretation and integrate them into the current understanding of the issue, thus advancing existing viewpoints. Speculation on the future direction of research and the formulation of testable theories are also encouraged.

Conflict of Interest Statement: A statement about must be given at the end of the text of each manuscript. Authors are encouraged to provide Author’s Contribution section as well, and any acknowledgment of funding information if available.

Tables and Figures:

Number all figures and tables consecutively and provide captions that explain their contents clearly. Each Table should be accompanied by a proper descriptive title. Each Figure should be accompanied by a proper self-explanatory caption. The title of a table should be placed before the table whereas the caption of a figure must be placed right after it. All the tables and figures should be properly cross-referenced in the text of the paper (e.g., Table 1 / Figure 1). Ensure high quality resolution for figures and charts.  

Citations and References / Bibliography:

All the citations and references should follow the APA format with the following modifications:

a. In the citations, for more than two authors, use et al.

b. In the reference, the Volume number is not italicized.

The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically and there should be no repetitions. The authors are requested to check the completeness of each reference. The authors are encouraged to use any Reference Manager to keep the format consistent. The Endnote style for Nature’s Symphony can be downloaded from here.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest:

A section about any conflict of interest should be given after the Conclusion section. The authors should clearly state any
financial, professional or personal conflicts. No submission will undergo Peer-review process without provision of this section.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest:

A section about any conflict of interest should be given after the Conclusion section. The authors should clearly state any financial, professional or personal conflicts. No submission will undergo Peer-review process without provision of this section.     


Minimize the use of abbreviations and avoid non-standard ones unless they appear at least four times; define them upon first use in the main text. Consider providing a list of non-standard abbreviations at the end, immediately before the acknowledgments. Insert equations in an editable format using the equation editor. Italicize gene
symbols and use approved gene nomenclature where available. Protein products should not be italicized. Use Standard International Units throughout the manuscript. Refer to chemical compounds and biomolecules using systematic nomenclature, following the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)


Research involving human or animal subjects must obtain appropriate ethical approvals and informed consent from participants or their legal guardians. Authors should include details about these ethical considerations and approvals in their

Cover Letter and Declaration:

Authors must submit a declaration confirming that the manuscript is their original work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. For co-authored manuscripts, an undertaking must state that each author has significantly
contributed to the manuscript and thus claims the right to authorship. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all substantial contributors are listed as authors and have agreed to the order of authorship.

Authors’ Consent form and Copyright Transfer Form:

Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the authors will be required to sign a copyright transfer form as well as authors consent for publication signed by all the authors.

Article Processing Charges:

There are no article processing charges for the manuscripts published in Nature’s Symphony journal.

Language Editing:

All the manuscripts submitted to Nature’s Symphony should meet international English language standards. Authors are encouraged to have their manuscript reviewed by experts in English Language before the submission. Nature’s Symphony is currently offering Free Language Editing Service.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

To enhance your article’s discoverability and improve search results, follow these simple guidelines. Include a few of your
article’s keywords in the title and avoid long titles. Choose 5-8 keywords that combine both general and specific terms related to your article’s subject. Use as many keywords as possible in the first two sentences of the abstract. Additionally, incorporate some of these keywords in your level 1 headings.

Submission Process:

  • All submissions must be made electronically through our online submission system.
  • You will be asked to provide information about your article, including the article type, title, abstract, keywords, and author details.
  • Please carefully review your manuscript before submitting it. Once submitted, revisions may be allowed at the editor’s discretion but are not guaranteed.
Review Process:
  • All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.
  • You will receive feedback from reviewers and editors within 4-6 weeks of submission.
  • Based on the reviewers’ recommendations, the editor will make a decision to accept, reject, or request revisions to your manuscript.
  • If your manuscript is accepted, you will be required to sign a copyright transfer agreement.
  • Your article will be published online within 3-4 weeks of acceptance.
By following these guidelines, you will help us ensure the quality and timely publication of your research in Nature’s Symphony journal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial office at
We look forward to receiving your submissions!